Once you’ve decided to move forward with a financially sound project, we help transform your ideas into structured, actionable plans. Our goal during pre-development is to do as much due diligence as possible to ensure the seamless transition from concept to design. We utilize our network of architects, surveyors, engineers, environmental scientists, and contractors to properly prepare your project in terms of financing, state and local codes, laws, and zoning all within your schedule, preference, and budget.

EdgeLine provides you with the confidence you need to make the appropriate decisions by communicating both the positive or negative implications found during our planning and research. Doing this early in the process is critical to ensure no time or money is wasted. This stage includes:

  • Project Team
    The client recruits the key members of the team such as: The owner’s representation, project manager, real estate attorney, insurance provider, real estate consultant, architectural team, general contractor/construction manager, and financing partners. The client reviews with its lawyer potential conflicts of interest and which members of the Project Team are acting in a fiduciary role and which team members are acting in arms-length commercial capacity.

  • Project Definition
    The client meets with the design build professional to determine project requirements and design parameters. Objectives defined should be as clear and concise as possible which allows for clear communication between client, designers, and the builder. In the long run, this will shorten the amount of time it takes to complete the project and establish budget earlier in the process.

  • Project Timetable
    Client reviews project timetable with the team, determining milestones such as when the facility will open to serve students (e.g. fall of 2021). Client identifies 2-3 areas of the timetable which pose a risk of timing delays, such as the permitting process.

  • Project Cost Estimate
    A realistic cost estimate based on owner’s requirements and expectations, is essential in moving the charter school facility project from conception to viable project. It involves evaluating the materials, labor, schedule, regulatory requirements, and site conditions.

  • Agreement
    After the initial pre-construction stage, parties execute a construction design build agreement which will authorize the builder to complete the facility design on the owner’s behalf. It involves incorporating owner’s design program to establish project size, material, and finishes, along with specifications to determine the project construction costs.

  • Essential Tasks
    Following the agreement, builders schedule other essential preconstruction tasks such as soil testing, submission of plans to municipality and procurement of construction permits.